Friday, January 20, 2012

2012 Annual Meeting Minutes

Date and Time:
Wednesday, January 18th, 2012 at 7:00 PM
North Fulton Annex (7741 Roswell Rd 30350), Room 232
BOD Present:
Steve Bock (#52) - President
Harvard Brooks (#118) - Vice President
Ellie Terry (#44) - Treasurer
Scott Percy (#46) - Director at Large
BOD Absent:
Susan Wynn (#65) - Secretary
Homeowners Represented:
Jon and Yoshii Bird (#1, #67), Gilbert Bubis (#6) - by proxy, Gene Candela (#59), Frank and Janelle Consola (#85) Michelle and Jonathan Dominick (#99) - by proxy, Judy Dressler (#30), Chris Dutoit (#14), Ronald and Jason Grant (#63), Stephen Graves and Mary Golden (#95), Ann Scott Hanks (#17) - by proxy, Edie Hobson (#45), Rosario Ibarra-Lara (#110), Duane Johnson (#100), Diane Kennedy (#84) - by proxy, Barbara Ann King (#22), Frederike and George Knittel (#40), Lauris and Daniel Mason (#73), Chris Moore (#10), Carolyn Nicholes (#15), Martin Nicholes, Jr. (#122), Owen Parsons (#101), O.B. Rawls (#8) - by proxy, Dawn Reed and Kevin Cunninham (#105), Helise Ronen (#41) - by proxy, Ruth and Art Shultz (#49), Benjamin Smith (#85), Elliot and Shanti Sparks (#5), Marge Stephens and Michael Herman (#33)

I.        Call to Order/Establish Quorum/Introduction
A.      Call to order at 7:04 PM
B.      Quorum not reached so election will take place over e-mail
II.      2011 Accomplishments
A.      Work from the board
                                                       1.FHA Approval
                                                       2.Trash trailer
                                                       3.Logo/Branding improvements
                                                       4.Perimeter CID - sidewalks on Mount Vernon
a.       Temporarily stopped due to utility work where retaining wall is
b.      City has to take over light post on the corner
c.       Sidewalks should be installed by the end of march
                                                       5.Duck pond retaining wall repair
                                                       6.Algae removal
                                                       7.Light poles and directional signs repainted
                                                       8.Benches replaced
                                                       9.Clubhouse improvements
                                                   10.Tennis court resurfaced
                                                   11.Landscaping improvements
                                                   12.Social events
a.       Wine tasting
b.      Cookouts
                                                   13.Pond dredging/fountain repair
a.       Originally bid at $31,000
b.      Marc, Gene and Chris Moore have had input
c.       Looking to be completed under $10,000
d.      Will landscape around the pond to make it more functional
                                                   14.Well digging/repair progress
                                                   15.Progress on planning paving project
                                                   16.Progress on roofing replacement project
                                                   17.Deck inspections
                                                   18.Board spends a large amount of time on issues that we need help with
a.       Newsletter
b.      Host social events
c.       Welcoming committee
B.      2011 Real Estate Sales report
                                                       1.Market should improve in 2012
                                                       2.Keep the property looking nice to help out
III.    2012 Budget Presentation
A.      Want to keep HOA fees low and consistent
B.      Need to build up savings
C.      Reduced yearly operating costs $62,000 over the past two years ($492 per homeowner)
D.      HOA are NOT expected to increase over the forecast horizon (in current 2012 dollars).
                                                       1.Inflationary price pressures will likely result in slighter higher HOA fees each year
                                                       2.Inflation is typically 2% a year, and our costs will likely increase at a similar rate
E.       Special assessments would have been necessary to pay for paving and roofing projects if we had nod been saving for the past two years
F.       Once the loan expires in 2016, you should see HOA fees go down
G.     Upcoming projects:
                                                       1.Roofs - $282,000 over 7 years
                                                       2.Paving - $105,000
                                                       3.Pond $5,000~$10,000
H.      Eliminated costs
                                                       1.Cutting HVAC coverage - $43k
                                                       2.Fixed water billing error - $20k
                                                       3.Switch to Molly Maid - $15k
                                                       4.Switch to Four Seasons - $11k
                                                       5.Lower insurance cost - $7.2k
                                                       6.Phone plan changes - $1.1k
I.        Looking into refinancing loan although outlook doesn't look good
IV.    Looking forward to 2012
A.      Coming up with action plan, vision statement
                                                       1.Vision statement - PRIDE
                                                       2.Planning for the future - 5 year plans/goals
a.       Improve board efficiency
b.      Create board transparency
c.       Reduce costs
d.      Increase value
                                                       3.Tracking progress/create accountability
a.       Board
b.      Homeowners
c.       Vendors
d.      Management company
                                                       4.Keys to success = homeowner involvement
V.      Election of officers - will take place over email since quorum not reached
VI.    Question/Answers
A.      Termite inspection
                                                       1.Terminix contract under clubhouse
                                                       2.Can call Terminix about special needs
B.      Algae removal - how to arrange?
C.      NWP issues - moving away from NWP this Spring
D.      Roofs replacement questions
                                                       1.Under warranty?
                                                       2.Prioritization? (105, 22, 47)
                                                       3.Home inspectors/home sale questions?
a.       Buyer would contact HOA and HOA would respond
b.      Buyer would make a decision about response
E.       Pine straw being replaced
                                                       1.Heavy application in Spring
                                                       2.Lighter application in Fall
F.       Privacy fences - who is responsible?
                                                       1.Need to check documents
                                                       2.Fine/Fee collection - how much progress is being made?
G.     Gate damage update
                                                       1.Only one incident this past year
                                                       2.One who damaged paid for the repair
VII.  Meeting adjourned at 8:04 PM 

MVP Entry Sign

MVP Entry Sign
Mount Vernon at Sign at Dusk